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CCM Auditions 2022


First off, make sure you've submitted your online form.

Next, access our Auditions 2022 Google Classroom. The code is: 7fu32go. There are two separate assignments.

For the first assignment, please upload a picture or PDF of the SIGNED back page of your guidebook. Make sure you have checked the groups for which you would like to be considered. (Also, remember this means that you have actually read and agreed to the contents of the guidebook and have shared the dates in there with a parent/guardian). If you are currently an 8th grade Soprano or Alto, you can stop here!
The second assignment is your audition recording. When you're ready to video record your audition, please read this through in its entirety and then follow the steps below in this exact order and submit ONE video. 

1. "My Name is ______________ _______________. Next year I will be in ________ grade. I will be auditioning as a(n) _______________ (voice part)." 

2. Major Scale: Pick a 'Do' that is comfortable for you at the bottom and the top of the scale. You may want to find this note before you start recording. Sing this scale a cappella.

3. Chromatic Scale: Using the same 'do', sing a chromatic scale from low 'do' up to 'sol' and back down. Sing this scale a cappella.

4. German: (NOTE: Current 8th Grade T/B can skip this step! Move to Step 5.) Click on the attached mp3 recording. It will give you a tonality and then roll the starting pitches. After you hear your pitches, you may begin singing the German Audition excerpt. There will NOT be piano accompaniment, this is a cappella.
Starting Pitches

5. Pop: Click on the mp3 recording below that pertains to your voice part. It is the exact same recording as the online accompaniment only one you have been practicing with. Sing through it. 
Tenor/Bass                                               Soprano/Alto

That's it! You've done it! Congrats! .... but don't forget to upload that recording to Google Classroom for the appropriate assignment and *****CLICK TURN IN*****. We will be in contact with you if we need more data in order to place you in ensembles. 

2022 Audition Pitches GermanAuditions 2022
00:00 / 00:17
TB Key No SoloCCM Auditions 2022
00:00 / 00:47
SA Key No SoloCCM Auditions 2022
00:00 / 00:47
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